When you buy Murano Glass articles from other companies, always verify the product you're buying is made with real Murano Glass, beware of the imitations, always verify where the producing factory is located is there any address or phone number ? Is it located in Murano (Venice) in Italy or abroad?
Check if there are any photos or videos where you can see the production process or the factory itself, always ask for the Warranty Certificate Original Murano Glass, made in Italy.
Remember that Murano Glass is 100% pure and realized only with natural materials; beware of any other types of glass you don't know where they come from, because they can contain unhealthy or polluting agents/components, which can bring to allergies or other problems.
Check if clasp or metallic parts are nickel-free, according to the european directive 93/27- CEE
Buy directly from the factory and avoid any further passage; in this way you'll get better prices, not charged by import or resale costs.
Ask if you can visit the factory to see how the product is made.
When you get the goods, check the invoice, so you can understand if you're buying a real "Made in Italy" product or an imported one.
I hope these suggestions will help you to increase your business and give a further guarantee to your customers that they're buying a real Murano Glass made in Italy certified product.
( Our Factory in Murano - Venice Italy) .
Do you have any further questions ?
Please send us an e-mail at info@murrina.it if we can help you, we'll be pleased to do it, or visit our FAQ page
Phone +39 347 6687199 - Fax. +39 041 8842009
e-mail : info@murrina.it
Venice - Italy
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